Spring time in berlin / by Justine Simonson

It's officially springtime in Berlin. Not only has every flower decided they will open up for business....

The sun is also starting to show its face, meaning there are fleeting moments when you're actually warm enough to head outside without a jacket.


Even the swans like it.

It's also the time when creative juices start flowing again. We've met so many makers and doers we've barely had time to come up for air. In the last month we've rubbed elbows and shared beers with a solar-powered-transportation developer, a renegade gardener, a guerilla carpenter - and that's just scratching the surface. 

A few weeks back, we had the honor of attending re:publica and Media Convention - a gigantic gathering of digital and media professionals from all over the world. And wow, was it inspiring!

Reed Hastings, the founder of Netflix, made an appearance, sharing his round about rise to success. This guy has done everything from teaching high school math to serving in the peace corps to, yes, disrupting the broadcast media industry as we know it.

Reed Hastings on stage at re:publica 2015

Reed Hastings on stage at re:publica 2015

After his speech, we had a the absolute pleasure of meeting Mugethi Gitau. She was in town from Nairobi to take part in the Global Innovation Gathering, a meeting for a network of makers, creators and all kinds of entrepreneurs from Africa, Asia and Latin America.

Mugethi was kind enough to school us on the thriving startup culture in Kenya... entrepreneurs in the capital city there are hacking away at all kinds of social solutions - from health initiatives for mothers and children, to supporting local farm economies with technology, and revolutionizing education with tablets in classrooms. It was enough to get us excited for a season of How To Make It In: Nairobi!


We also had the pleasure of seeing one of our favorite entrepreneurs take the stage on the topic of Fashion Tech.

Lisa Lang is the maven of bespoke wearable light. Her gorgeous designs and out of the box thinking have made her one of the most talked about and celebrated entrepreneurs in not just Berlin but the burgeoning field of wearables.

So as we take a moment to breathe in the pollen laden air of Berlin and reflect back on the past month's excitement, we thought we would share some of these highlights with you.

That and the Ritter Sport we found that's as big as Marcus's head. 

So. Much. Chocolate.

So. Much. Chocolate.

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